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Why do people go to hell?

The Holy Bible is crystal clear that people go to hell everlastingly because they reject Jesus Christ as the Son of God the one and only Savior of the world who died for them on the cross. Listen to me very closely, there are many people in this world who believe Jesus was a real person who existed, but just because you believe Jesus existed will not grant you salvation. Simply put, If ultimately all you do in this life is just believe that Jesus was a real person who existed, you will go to hell. For you to be saved by God and to be forgiven of all your sins by Him, God requires for you to believe what Jesus did on that cross. You must not just believe that Jesus existed, you must believe that he died on the cross to pay the full punishment for all your sins, and you must believe he bodily resurrected from his grave. If You believe Jesus died on the cross for you to take the punishment for all your sins, and If you believe he arose again from the grave, then and only then will you be saved by God.

People of the world do we really understand who came down unto us from heaven? Jesus is God in the flesh! God himself came down and revealed himself to us through the person of His Son Jesus. Those who have ultimately rejected Jesus have ultimately knowingly or unknowingly rejected God himself. I say unto you again people of the world, all those who go to hell will be there because of their unbelief in the death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus. Read (John 3:18, 36) (John 8:24) (Revelation 20:15).


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